My best friend lives with a woman and her three kids. My friend is driven crazy by those kids (they are out of control and need more adult supervision) and the woman (doesn't parent the way my friend thinks she should and is needy and irresponsible) and wants to move very very much. My friend - MM - also has a good friend who spends lots of time with her and her roommates. MM is a little confused about her friend and the relationship she is developing with the roommate and her kids. I am jea...
I'm on my way to the bank near my house to deposit some money to cover the check I wrote this month for rent. I am short a few dollars, and am very worried. Now that I have Brody and am working part time, things are tough... Eli makes $7K a year less than I did when I was working full time, and my 1/2 time income combined with his isn't enough to take care of all of our bills. How do I succesfully keep my house running smoothly, improve myself (as a person and mother and employee and studen...
So, my husband is sick today - says his stomach hurts and that he's been throwing up, so he stayed home today. Personally, I think it was an excuse to stay in bed and sleep and watch TV, which we all need some times and I am fine with. I have a raging ear infection, which I get about 5 times a year or so, but I am on meds and working through it... I have decided to come up with some topics to hit on this year with this blog. I need to work through some personal issues and find myself a bit...
I'm sitting here this afternoon - a pile of laundry sitting beside me waiting to be folded and a house badly in want of cleaning. Instead of taking care of either of these things, I am sitting on my couch alternating between working out my feelings about my daughter and school and playing with my 4 month old son. My daughter is six and smart as a whip. She's been reading for two years and is full of all sorts of arcane facts about everything from dinosaurs to the solar system. She also h...
I've wanted to keep a journal since I was about 13. I can remember talking to girls who actually WROTE in those pretty pink books we all got for birthday and Christmas gifts and not really understanding how they did it. I spent way too much time obsessing about how my handwriting looked, who could be reading it when I put it down, when I should re read it, and what other people would think of what I wrote... I never could get past about a week worth of entries saying things like: "I just don't...