don't know how to do this yet
Published on January 9, 2004 By jodimama In Home & Family
I'm on my way to the bank near my house to deposit some money to cover the check I wrote this month for rent. I am short a few dollars, and am very worried. Now that I have Brody and am working part time, things are tough... Eli makes $7K a year less than I did when I was working full time, and my 1/2 time income combined with his isn't enough to take care of all of our bills.

How do I succesfully keep my house running smoothly, improve myself (as a person and mother and employee and student), pay bills I don't have funds for, and raise a family? I am slowly loosing my mind.

My house looks like a small tornado ran through it, my son hasn't had a bath since Wednesday, I don't have dinners planned beyond tonight's and I only have chicken in my freezer. I have promised my daughter a trip to the zoo which I cannot afford, I have a friend who wants to have breakfast on Sunday (can't afford that, either) and I need shoes. If I don't pay the electric bill soon, we won't have lights - the phone (and ELi's cell) need to be paid and the gas bill is past due. How do I make all of this work?

The only thing I know for sure is that when Kass was little, I would have given in at this point and found a full time job and ditched school. I will NOT do that this time. I will finish school this time and have more opportunities... I WILL become a better person and enable my family to have a better future.

I will take care of my list in the next few days, grumpy baby necessitates my attention right now.

on Jan 09, 2004
I was in the same boat only I wasn't working at all while I went to school. I used grants and unemployment. Your fiance, boyfriend, husband, etc. Should be helping you with household chores. I use to do the laundry, bathroom and helped with dinner on some nights as well as watched our two kids when needed.

It is hard enough to make it and have some nice things for your clan working anyways. I always felt bad because my boy always did so good in school and other than praise we really had no way of showing it too him. We still struggle and we are both working and I have an upstart business. It will get easier at some point.

It is hard when I looked forward because it always seemed to take forever to get anything done. And if I looked into the past it just made me want the future to hurry up all that much more ~chuckles~ I try hard to live in the "now" and not worry about the past or the future it helps me keep my sanity through it all. Maybe it will help for you
on Jan 09, 2004
I hope things improve for you soon. It is a stuggle but just keep your goal in sight and make the necessary sacrifices. The bill thing is hard though, you just have to prioritize the best you can. If you can have a garage sale - no it's too cold. Ebay some things to raise a few dollars - might pay at least one of the bills. Hang in there.
on Jan 10, 2004
"...and I only have chicken in my freezer."

There was a time (within living memory) when chicken was a luxury meat, eaten only a few times a year by the average person.

Maybe things aren't quite as bad as they seem.